Wednesday, September 12, 2007

just when you think im not thinking..

its been raining for the past few days, heavily. and even work`s all hands on, i managed to daze into the mood and get myself into the "emotional" lasted for a mere second coz there`s always somebody yelling out my name every fugken minute.

-inside my mind-

"hmm..i wonder if she`s sleeping now?, or still stalking ppl`s blog??"
"hmm.. i wonder if she got her socks on, the weather `s bad"

and sometimes...

"hmm.. i wonder if my porn has successfully downloaded?"

but most of the time...

"hmm... i wonder if she thinks of me now or not leh?"


to be continue..

1 comment:

nilij said...

it is 11C here today and raining lightly and at night might gonna drop to 5C..whee